
New Seed Grant Brings Translangualism to Swat

On November 7th, Professor Natalie Mera Ford, Swarthmore’s Multilingual Language Specialist and Visiting Assistant Professor in the English Department, alongside Professor Betty Litsinger, an English professor and the director of multilingual writing at Bryn Mawr, and Professor Barabra Hall, the multilingual and
December 5, 2019

UNICEF and Syria

The Syrian Civil War and the United States’ involvement in it has been an area of contention since the U.S. first supplied rebels with non-lethal aid in 2011. This aid has since evolved—as the government’s injustices have grown—facilitating more violence. After Syrian
April 20, 2017

The dangers of insularity

President Trump ran on a platform of nationalism, protectionism, and isolationism from both economic and social standpoints; his anti-immigration stances and his proposed pro-tariff policies are salient examples of Mr. Trump’s embodiment of the populist ideals that seem to have taken hold
March 16, 2017

Learning English goodly

Learning English is hard. I really started trying to learn the language when I was in 8th grade. When I was growing up in China, I did not go to an international school, and, at the time, my English class was teaching
March 16, 2017

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