
Nestbeschmutzer, Now Out of Austria

When I boarded my plane out of Austria, the newspapers were breathlessly reporting on the just-broken story of Elisabeth Fritzl, an Austrian woman recently freed from the windowless basement where [...]
May 12, 2008

The Trabi-Monster

While I was in Prague, I was scootering around the back of the German Embassy trying to get a glimpse of a memorial statue located in the backyard. In a [...]
April 2, 2008

Welcome to Wien-er-nee-ner-nee-ner

Shortly after writing my last column, I took a 12-hour overnight train to Vienna, where I am now enrolled as a student at the University thereof (the oldest in the [...]
March 21, 2008

Me and Ronald Reagan

As a Swarthmore student, I can testify to the fact that guilt is a familiar emotion. While at Swarthmore, I feel guilty about the sex I don't have, the papers [...]
February 8, 2008

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