health - Page 2

The SHA Organization: Missing Faculty Health Advisor

At Swarthmore, sexual health advocates are the go-to people for finding resources for safe sex, including condoms and other contraceptives, learning about healthy relationships, and navigating sexuality. This year, however, the SHA organization’s mission is struggling after SHA mentor and Violence Prevention
October 21, 2021

Flu Vaccine Clinics Strive to Boost Immunization

For the past four years, Swarthmore Worth Health and Wellness Center has been offering pop-up flu shot clinics around campus to make it easier for students to get the flu shot. Approximately 300 students get their flu shot each year at these
November 7, 2019

Stressed by Stress Injuries

When I asked Lucas Heinzerling ’20, a distance runner on the men’s varsity cross country and track teams, about the injuries he has sustained during his seven-year career, he rattled them off quickly: Achilles tendonitis in both legs, plantar fasciitis in both
October 24, 2019

Dance students encounter obstacles accessing physical therapy

Dance students at Swarthmore have access to physical therapy on campus to help treat injuries. However, there has been no direct, convenient way for students training in dance classes at the college to see a physical therapist, particularly one who has experience
March 29, 2018

Students dissatisfied with CAPS as demand rises

Last semester, a psychiatrist at Worth Health Center prescribed Calla Bush St. George ’20 SSRI inhibitors to help cope with anxiety. She began taking the medication on Jan 28.  A week into the course, she awoke to intense nausea and depression. “I just
March 22, 2018

Despite support, concussed students face pressures

One in five high school students who play contact sports suffer a concussion each year, according to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. To facilitate recovery of concussed students, Swarthmore has a Concussion Team in place to support injured students. However, concussion
October 26, 2017

CAPS increases staff hours to meet students needs

As the semester draws to an end, Counseling and Psychological Services has increased its staff hours to meet the increasing need of students. Increasing CAPS’s capacity through extended hours has been standard procedure for years. The Director of CAPS David Ramirez explained
April 6, 2017

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