
Online Exclusive: Hormuzd Katki and the Science of Cancer Screenings

On March 26,National Cancer Institute Senior Investigator Hormuzd Katki spoke at Swarthmore as part of the 2023-2024 Math/Statistics Colloquium Series. In his talk, titled “The Role of Statisticians and Quantitative Thinking in Cancer Prevention and Screening,” Katki discussed developing advancements in the
March 28, 2024

Welcome to the Free Zone Jungle

Narples. The expensive piece of brick that replaced the old ski-lodge-looking stone we called Sharples. It is the poster child of the power that donors have on Swarthmore. The Swarthmore ship depends on its sea of money to keep floating and expanding
November 17, 2022

Ethos Water: Why Americans Pay to Pee

To lambast America’s grossly inadequate public infrastructure has become so commonplace that the refrain is an all but trivial cliche in online political discourse. I do not have any expert analysis, insight, or nuance to add to this righteous indignation. However, in
September 29, 2022

The New Roommate

COVID, or as I like to call it: the bug. Most of us have had that flea bite us in the ass at some point — and I can tell you, mine itched for a while. At this point, getting bitten by
September 22, 2022

Make Compassion and Understanding the New Normal

As we settle into this new normal “post” pandemic, many colleges around the country have begun to revise and update their COVID policies to reflect the most current trends in local areas. For example, the University of Pennsylvania recently announced that masking
March 17, 2022

What’s Our COVID Plan?

Two weeks ago, a large chunk of the Swarthmore student body fanned out across the country for Fall Break. We crammed into planes, trains, and buses; we hugged people we hadn’t seen for months; some of us let off steam at crowded
October 28, 2021
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