growing up

Grow up: community and entitlement don’t mix

Last Friday I woke up at 6:30 a.m. I like to make my breakfast before I catch the train to Philly for my student teaching placement. When I groggily traipsed into the Danawell kitchen where I keep my smoothie ingredients and blender,
December 7, 2017

On snow and God and Swarthmore

The snow began to fall early Tuesday morning and, like some kind of non-dystopian Silicon Valley technology firm, delightfully disrupted our lives. Classes were cancelled, local children sledded the rolling hills of our campus, and many a Swarthmorean sported scarves and sweaters
March 16, 2017

Growing up: how does fashion grow up too?

I am about to turn 20. I’ve heard a lot of people announce big changes on the advent of their 20th birthdays: no more weed, no more reckless spending, regular visits to the gym. Whether or not these resolutions last, they indicate
March 19, 2015

An awfully big adventure

“To live would be an awfully big adventure.” As the year comes to a close, many students are readying themselves for the transition out of the Neverland of college. But one senior is focusing instead on somebody who refuses to grow up:
May 1, 2014

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