funding - Page 2

Why endowment policy needs community input

In Swarthmore College’s response (Suzanne Welsh, The Phoenix, March 27, 2014) to my op-ed concerning endowment spending (Peter Collings, The Phoenix, March 20, 2014), the College admits to an intentional endowment spending policy “lower than many other institutions.” The response then goes
April 3, 2014

Behind the Party Scene

This weekend, students attended the final hurrah for a two-year experiment in EDM, laser lights and neon knick-knacks. Officially the last of the popular Poon parties, Saturday’s Paces event generated a crowd that stands as a testament to the niche filled by
March 7, 2013

Where Is Harry’s Gringotts Vault When You Need It?

This year’s Yule Ball will feature the usual wizard rockers, enchanting decorations, and magical food and drink, but on a significantly tighter budget than in years past, as the Student Budget Committee (SBC) decreased funding last spring for the Social Affairs Committee
November 29, 2012

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