
The Phoenix is Advertising

We at The Phoenix will begin featuring ads in both our online and print editions. While past iterations of The Phoenix have featured ads, our publication has solely relied on SBC funding for the past three years. We feel, however, the need
May 1, 2021

Students Receptive to C.A.P.S. Update, But Not Satisfied

In the first week of the Spring semester, Counseling and Psychological Services sent the campus community an email update on Swarthmore College’s mental health resources. The email, titled “C.A.P.S. Update,” shared how C.A.P.S. will implement changes to more effectively and equitably respond
February 6, 2020

Party Scene Continues to Evolve

When students arrived on campus this Fall, the status of Swarthmore’s open party scene remained in limbo after the disbanding of fraternities on campus last spring. Now, halfway through Fall 2019, students seeking public parties can find them at Olde Club or
November 14, 2019

College to Renovate Lang Music with Renewed Lang Funding

As students, faculty, and community members roam campus, they walk past the large scale construction of the BEP building and minor renovations of Science Center wall paneling. In the coming year, they’ll also come across reconstruction of the Lang Music Building. This
March 21, 2019

Underfunded and Underattended: Why Pub Nite Is Still Struggling

After years of predictions about Pub Nite’s imminent decay, it seems that the long-standing Thursday night tradition is now officially seeing its last days. Donations to the entirely student-funded event have declined due to reinforcement of the ban on drinking games, new
February 28, 2019

College investments raise concerns of financial prudence

We at the Phoenix started off the year by praising the college for its various and diverse developmental projects, noting that there was a clear effort to work towards improving various aspects of students’ experience here at Swarthmore. While this continues to
February 18, 2016

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