figure skating

Quadruple Jump Lands US Skater in the History Books

Figure skating season is in the middle of its fall international competitions, with the Grand Prix circuit starting next week and multiple lower-level competitions having been held in the past month. Though Skate America hasn’t been held yet, one US figure skater
October 20, 2022

They’re Just Kids

Thirty athletes took the ice in the Olympic women’s singles figure skating event last week in Beijing. Of the 30, eighteen were teenagers, and the entire field posted a median age of nineteen. The youngest skater was fifteen-year-old Kamila Valieva of the
February 24, 2022

Olympics Column: Skating Team Event

Bess: Hi, this is Bess. Grace: And this is Grace. Bess: And we are watching the Olympics. Grace: Yes, we are. Bess: So a little bit about us. We are not NARPs, but we’re also not ARPs. Grace: We are semi-athletic SARPs.
February 10, 2022

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