Today it’s take-out time. The clock ticks; the rush-hour Sharples adrenaline kicks in. I pass people by and the New Yorker within comes out of me. I’m so sorry. I get my food into my cardboard takeout container, letting it brew with
imagine a lush garden fill your pockets with freshly torn grass so that you carry the burden of the Earth For the past couple of months, Magill Walk has been closed for construction. The exposed steel pipes perfectly bisecting the trees along
In the four days leading up to Earth Day, a wave of Apple Watch fitness updates and post-workout selfies coursed through Swarthmore social media, a wide range of posts adorned with the label #E3GoGarnet. These posts were all in support of the
EVP’s Nathaniel Stinnett: The Environmental Movement Has a Turnout Problem, Not a Persuasion Problem
Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. On Monday,
In September of 2016, the Carbon Charge Committee was established to manage the Carbon Charge Program. To understand the program and its implications, we ask: what is Swarthmore’s Carbon Charge Program? And what is its significance of the program outside Swarthmore? According
Dear President Smith, Since the founding of Swarthmore in 1864, the college has educated students in terms of global impact and social change. From Helen Magill to Micah White, students have been encouraged to engage in community and speak out against injustice;
We’ve all probably freaked out a little about climate change and President Donald Trump’s outright denial of it. It seems like President Trump has hand-picked a team that will happily sign off the future of our planet to build walls. Or
Editor’s note: This article was initially published in The Daily Gazette, Swarthmore’s online, daily newspaper founded in Fall 1996. As of Fall 2018, the DG has merged with The Phoenix. See the about page to read more about the DG. On Friday,
A child in Chester is diagnosed with asthma; a family is forced to leave their demolished home in the Philippines; the Niger Delta ecosystem is destroyed and indigenous groups are forcibly evicted and murdered; indigenous groups in Canada are forcibly evicted; subsistence
As a young writer in my 20s, not long after publishing one of the first books for a general audience on climate change, I was invited to Swarthmore to speak. I’ve never forgotten that trip. For one, the glorious campus trees were