OSE Lanches Parties in Parrish Parlors

The Parrish Parlors, home to impromptu piano concertos and napping students, will now also host student-run parties. The initiative by the Office of Student Engagement (OSE) will endow students with a budget of around $200 to independently organize and host themed dry


Women’s Resource Center Hosts Week of Events

In celebration of March’s nationally recognized Women’s History Month, the Women’s Resource Center (WRC) decided to organize its own week to recognize women’s rights and issues.  Running from Friday, March 22 to Thursday, March 28, the week consists of 12 events that


A Look At The Women’s Resource Center

When most people decide where they want to study for the night, McCabe, Cornell, and the Science Center are among the top choices. When many students coordinate their Saturday night plans, Paces, Olde Club, and the fraternities are among the first options