
Swarthmore and its Quintessential Tropes

If you have taken Introduction to Psychology, you would know Swarthmore is the birthplace of the infamous Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), an early-20th century personality assessment that many people, and some Fortune 500 companies, swear by to this day. You might also
November 14, 2024

A Call for an Open Forum

It is a challenging time to be a student at Swarthmore. The campus community is facing several changes that have made student life unlike previous years. The Two Zero By Thirty-Five (20X35) initiative and other construction projects have upended the college, completely
March 21, 2024

CelebrAsia: Empowering Pan-Asian Voices 

On Dec. 1, the Swarthmore Pan-Asian Association (SPAA) and the Intercultural Center’s (IC) Major Events team organized CelebrAsia, a night dedicated to celebrating Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) culture, with funding support from the Tri-Co Asian American Studies Program. Students were
December 7, 2023

Žižek Has Lost the Plot

It is Slavoj Žižek who I have to thank for much of my interest in philosophy — and perhaps most of my intellectual outputs. A chance encounter with his books “Living in the End Times” and “The Parallax View,” which I painstakingly
March 2, 2023

America’s Obsession with Consuming Crime

A while ago, my boyfriend sent me an Instagram post that, in his words, reminded him of me. The screenshotted tweet read, “Imagine you get murdered, and some girl skips your episode of ‘Forensic Files’ because it’s boring”. I laughed out loud
October 27, 2022

Swat Community Grapples with War in Ukraine

Less than a week since Vladimir Putin declared war on Ukraine on Thursday, Feb. 24, Russian forces have already destroyed hundreds of “transport infrastructure facilities, homes, hospitals and kindergartens,” killed at least 2,000 people, and forced an estimated 650,000 people to neighboring
March 3, 2022
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