
New Community Commons Set for Feb. 29, Other Construction Updates

“You’ve probably noticed that things look a little different around campus,” said Ryder Maston ’26 in a recent video informing the Swarthmore community about construction for the Spring semester. Maston, an intern with the College’s Office of Sustainability, spent the video running
February 8, 2024

Students Raise Accessibility Concerns Amid Increased Construction

Increased construction and the recent heat wave have exacerbated pre-existing accessibility issues on campus. Routes to classes are longer and more variable, resulting in frustration among the student body. In an interview with The Phoenix, Rose West ’26 shared concerns she had
September 28, 2023

Fixing Our Fences

I often end up lost in the sauce of campus life, so to speak, and for those who know me well, I vacillate between “welp, it is what it is” and “this is mission critical and must be addressed.” I lead with
March 16, 2023
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