The conservative makes a good point

Nearly four years ago, I attended a Phoenix interest meeting after the first day of classes and found out the paper was looking for columnists. I volunteered to write a column that week, hoping to get my foot in the door. Ever


Choice of Zoellick as Commencement Speaker Sparks Debate

When Swarthmore announced that alumnus and former President of the World Bank Robert Zoellick ’75 would be the 2013 commencement speaker and recipient of an honorary degree, students responded in a multitude of ways.  While many students, especially seniors, questioned why someone

Same-Sex Marriage as a Conservative

It seems that every day at Swarthmore some new issue is being brought to light by a student group and within days that issue is the talk of Sharples. Right now,  the Supreme Court’s debate of California’s Proposition 9 and the Defense