
Lauren Learns to Speak Up in Germany

I’m finally starting to feel comfortable with expressing opinions—about feeling bad about slavery, about the Bosniak Muslims in Switzerland, about the Jewish perspective, about lesbian history through the ages and why it’s not depicted in the world’s only museum of queer history,
December 2, 2009

Germany’s Fateful Day

Berlin’s happiest memory isn’t really one that it can celebrate with a good conscience. I went to the twentieth anniversary party of the fall of the Berlin Wall, took some pictures of people’s umbrellas, and came back to a Kristallnacht remembrance around
November 17, 2009

Settling In, Coming Out

Your October Break was the first week of classes at the Free University of Berlin for 31,000 students, 415 professors, and one Lauren Stokes. It was also my first week selling tickets at the Gay Museum of Berlin.
October 19, 2009

Welcome Back to Deutsch… kei?

Because I just can't tear myself away, I'm writing another column about my adventures (and misadventures) in Berlin as a Fulbright Fellow this year, thinking about Germans, Turks, and the ever-present past.
September 14, 2009

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