campus health

Make Compassion and Understanding the New Normal

As we settle into this new normal “post” pandemic, many colleges around the country have begun to revise and update their COVID policies to reflect the most current trends in local areas. For example, the University of Pennsylvania recently announced that masking
March 17, 2022

On the role of PubSafe

As the first half of the semester has gone by, returning students have noticed changes in the way that Public Safety has been interacting with students, from specific changes like PubSafe’s official Building Patrol Notice as well as general shifts in campus
October 12, 2017

What It Is and What It Isn’t

It’s interesting how you can think one way about a particular thing and then learn something that blows your mind, leaving you to question so many different things. This happened to me this week, and it’s a lot of fun when this
April 13, 2017

CAPS increases staff hours to meet students needs

As the semester draws to an end, Counseling and Psychological Services has increased its staff hours to meet the increasing need of students. Increasing CAPS’s capacity through extended hours has been standard procedure for years. The Director of CAPS David Ramirez explained
April 6, 2017

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