
Welcome to Swarthmore! Population: You

While most of us look forward to traveling back home for Winter Break, there are a few of us who will be spending Christmas and New Year’s on campus. For those selective few, my thoughts and prayers go out to you. But
December 5, 2024

Admitting Others’ Depths

Every CommonApp personal statement had some convoluted metaphor or hook to, at the very least, prevent the admissions officer from immediately binning your application. Outside of the occasional interview or supplemental essay, it was one of your only chances to speak your
October 24, 2024

 OneCard: Swipe Left

By this point, anyone who has had a prolonged conversation with me has heard my complaints about the changes to the OneCard and the related student code of conduct update. So far, I have yet to hear someone express support for any
September 19, 2024

Students Participate in Spring “Screw” in New Venue

On Saturday, Feb. 11, costumed students filled the Dining and Community Commons for the biannual Screw Your Roommate event, a Swarthmore tradition where roommates set one another up on blind dates. Despite Screw’s longevity (originally starting in the 1980s), it is not
February 16, 2023

Peering Through the Glass: A Review of Window Decor

Three hundred seventy-five. That’s how many windows Parrish Hall has (or at least that’s how many I counted by circling the building several times). Mertz has 214, Palmer has 66, and many other dorms have a three-digit number of windows that would
February 17, 2022

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