board of managers

$15 is a Humble Request

As you may have seen, there’s a petition for a $15 minimum wage for student workers going around campus. The petition, called “$15 For Work,” started just a couple weeks ago but has already garnered strong support from the Swarthmore community (900-plus-signatures
April 28, 2022

Swarthmore Approves Plan to Eliminate Carbon by 2035

On Feb. 27, the Swarthmore Board of Managers approved a $69 million “Energy Master Plan,” which includes the goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2035. Entitled the ‘Road Map to Zero,’ Swarthmore’s energy plan includes finding ways to eliminate or offset all
March 20, 2021

Know the Ban, Ban the Ban

Introduction Swarthmore College is an exceptional school. It’s not the beautiful arboretum of a campus, the academic rigor, or the vaunted Quaker values that makes it exceptional, though. What makes it exceptional is the policy that explicitly bans ethical obligations from consideration
October 23, 2020

On Divestment and the 1991 Ban

On Feb. 6, Georgetown University’s Board of Directors voted to divest from fossil fuel companies in several phases over the next ten years. Georgetown is just one of many colleges and universities to take such a step — Middlebury, Lewis and Clark,
February 27, 2020

Professors fast to pressure Board to repeal 1991 ban

On April 20, two days after a referendum demanding that the Board of Managers repeal the 1991 Investment Committee ban passed with an 87% approval rate, Peace and Conflict Studies Professor Lee Smithey announced that three professors would be fasting for one
April 26, 2018
The Mariachi Band warms up at the Activities FairPhoto by Elena Ruyter '14

Sunrise referendum on 1991 divestment ban passes

On April 19, a Student Government Organization referendum introduced by climate activism student group Swarthmore Sunrise passed with 87% approval. The referendum calls for the Board of Managers to remove a clause from its investment guidelines requiring that the Investment Committee manage
April 19, 2018

Sunrise pushes for new divestment referendum

Sunrise Swarthmore collected digital signatures last week in an effort to call a Student Government Organization referendum on the school’s investment in fossil fuel companies and the 1991 ban on political considerations when investing. That petition passed with 197 signatures, 29 more
April 5, 2018
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