
Koziol brews up her own unique thesis topic

Alison Koziol ’15 comes from “the land of beer.” The sociology major’s hometown of Fort Collins, Colo. is home to 15 breweries — some of which were founded by the parents of her childhood playmates. So when she proposed a sociology thesis
October 23, 2014

Delving into the ethics of swooping

For the past few weeks, the rumor mill has buzzed with one word. It seems to seep through most happenings and pieces of gossip: swooping. The Kohlberg coffee bar is host to hushed whispers of “did that really happen last Saturday?” and
September 26, 2013

In Defense of Brewpubs, Not that they Need It

Last Spring when the Brewer’s Association — the national trade organization that collectively represents craft brewers — released its quarterly assessment of the state of beer in America, many a pint glass were clinked in celebration. Since Prohibition, the overall national demand
September 27, 2012

Seasonal Beer Guide: Part II

Even though my previous column was focused on Summer and Fall seasonal beers, I alluded to the fact that having more beer on the shelves is not necessarily always the best thing for consumers. Like any product, a gap between the information
September 12, 2012

Liquor license in Ville up for approval

The Swarthmore Inn project continues to move forward, as the college filed an application for a liquor license over the summer. Vice President for Facilities and Services C. Stuart Hain, who serves on the Design Oversight Committee for the Town Center West
September 10, 2012

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