Standing Ovation for Apple Pie Baking Competition

On Nov. 16, a long line wound through Eldridge Commons in the Science Center as campus community members eagerly waited to taste and vote for their favorite apple pies. Organized by the Office of Sustainability, the second annual Apple Pie Baking Competition

Profiles in Art: Therese Ton

The best pieces of art come with a story, something that can be passed on through the generations. At Swarthmore, one of the most beautiful stories comes along with Toscah, the name of Therese Ton’s ̕ 19 emerging bakery. Ton’s story is

Sweet eatables make the holidays go ’round

Alright, so Valentine’s Day isn’t exactly a holiday. But it sure as well might be one, with all the attention it gets from the public and the media. Stores will start advertising Valentine’s Day way before the date is within sight. Chocolates