artist profile

Profiles in Art: Sebastian Dakey

In the United States, most music classes focus on the fundamentals of music theory. Music education involves the practical discipline, namely how composers create music using composition methods, tuning systems, and musical notation. Musicology, on the other hand, is its undervalued sociological
September 27, 2018

Profiles in Art: Yixuan “Maisie” Luo, Piecing Life Together

Above the restless heads of students waiting in long lunch lines that extend beyond the double stairs at Sharples, three paintings — “Man Eating Crispy Chicken,” “Man Eating Greasy Pizza,” and “Woman Eating Juicy Wrap” — silently loom. True to their straight-forward
September 13, 2018

Profiles in Art: Hope Darris

Representation. If you were to ask most Swarthmore students what the media we consume is missing, this is most likely what they would tell you. In literature, television shows, and movies, the people we often see are cisgendered, heterosexual, and Caucasian. This
April 5, 2018

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