Kitao Displays Doodles

Many college students, even the not-so-artistically-inclined, have adorned their notebook pages with doodles at one time or another [...]

Artist documents Irish violence though murals

Kelly sees art as a way to reconciliation, and believes that reconciliation is necessary for peace in Northern Ireland.
“Our work is not just about challenging the status quo or the government. It’s also about challenging our own people. My people are not

Interview with Artist Adrian Davalos

Adrian Davalos '09 currently has a one-man show at the Kitao Gallery titled DisIntegration. Open hours for his show are Saturday from 3-5pm, Sunday from 12-2pm, and Monday from 4-6pm. [...]

Melissa Meyer at the List Gallery

Photograph of Melissa Meyer by Bruce Strong, 2003, Courtesy Bruce Strong/artcritical.comMelissa Meyer, the 2007 Donald Jay Gordon Visiting Artist, gave a talk last Thursday, presenting the fruit of her forty-year [...]