
Spicy in Buenos Aires: Life-Saver

This is Stephanie Appiah's last column from Buenos Aires After two bouts of gastroenteritis -- yes, I got it again last week, and was sick for days -- I give [...]
May 7, 2008

Dark Clouds Menace Buenos Aires

Yesterday, in Buenos Aires, thick dark clouds were suffocating the city. These clouds were not the heralds of a thunderstorm; rather, they are the marks of fires burning in the [...]
April 21, 2008

Political Situation Understood Through Meat

It's a difficult situation... The political situation is currently tense. The president of Argentina, Cristina Kirschner, raised the tax on exports, which directly affects the profits of farmers along the [...]
April 8, 2008

Pinmar Roadtrip Gone Downhill

March 20, 2008 Peoples, I am on a road trip! I’m on my way to Mar de Plata, which is about 400 km away from Buenos Aires to the south. [...]
March 27, 2008

Los Postres!

I love sweets! After good dinners, Argentina offers many sweet treats for dessert. Two things should appear on every Postre Menu that you receive in a restaurant: Ice Cream and [...]
March 18, 2008

Night Life

So while transportation is relatively easy, finding a chill place to hang out is a little more difficult. Simply put, there are three types of places where you can hang [...]
March 7, 2008

Taste of Buenos Aires from a Beginner

The food in Argentina, on a day-to-day basis, is very affordable. For the equivalent of $5-$10 a day, you can eat various kinds of steaks—breaded ones are called milanesas, grilled [...]
February 29, 2008

Hola Hermosa, Negrita

From the time I got off the plane in Ezeiza International Airport, to when I entered my apartment for lunch today, I have been hit on, whistled at, or flirted [...]
February 27, 2008

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