Area Coordinator

Area Coordinator Departures Continue, Second in a Month

Area Coordinator (AC) Lexi Kapij who currently oversees Willets, Woolman, Parrish, and Kyle dormitories is set to leave Swarthmore College on Mar. 11 for an associate director of advising position at Widener University. Kapij’s move to Widener is the second of two
February 22, 2024

Area Coordinator Abruptly Departs Swarthmore

On Feb. 8, Director of Residential Communities Amanda Atkinson sent an email to Palmer, Pittenger, Roberts, PPR Apartments, and Mary Lyon (PPRMents) Resident Assistants (RAs) informing them that William Morrison, the Area Coordinator (AC) for PPRMents, would no longer be serving in
February 15, 2024

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