
Becoming > : Advice from Professors

In my previous piece, I outlined this pervasive feeling of being <, this mix of imposter syndrome, stereotype threat, and my own insecurities blended together in a, to say mildly, unappetizing concoction. Since then, I’ve spent the past month interviewing four mathematics
April 23, 2021

Dear Prospective Swattie: What We Want You to Know

Welcome to Swat! As you attend admitted student events, go to the activities fair, and explore campus, we at The Phoenix want to impart on you some of our insights about the College to help you in your deliberative process. Each member
April 11, 2019

Strictly Good Advice

Strictly Good Advice, I have no plans this summer, but people keep asking me what I’m doing. How do I give them an answer? Thanks, E. Hello E., and thank you for your question. I’ll get right to the advice. I suspect,
April 26, 2018

Strictly good advice

Strictly Good Advice, When do I know if I have something worth writing or saying? Thanks, Christian. Hello, Christian, and thanks for your question. I enjoyed this question because working toward an answer led me to internalize
March 29, 2018

Strictly Good Advice

Strictly Good Advice, What’s the best way to get someone you don’t like to stop talking to you? This is a person who wants to be friends with me, but I don’t want to be friends with them. I have
February 22, 2018

Strictly Good Advice

Dear Strictly Good Advice, I have been scrutinized for remaining friends with people who are controversial because they exhibited poor judgment in the past. How do I be proud of and loving to my friends while not feeling embarrassed at the same
February 8, 2018
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