Sports - Page 240

ITS Update: Netreg and wireless networks

While classes have been in session for over two weeks now, a number of students still do not have consistent internet access. The biggest problem registered is from students who [...]
September 15, 2004

Student Council candidate platforms

Hunter Bandy '07 ---------- As the Educational Policy Representative, I will urge the Curriculum Committee to devise a long-term plan for building and sustaining an Arabic language program under the [...]
September 13, 2004

College updates Swatmail web interface

Students and faculty who attempt to login to Swatmail from the Portal Page may notice that Swatmail seems to have received a bit of a makeover. This makeover is actually [...]
September 9, 2004

Swat on the Range: first years welcomed to campus

Each year, before returning sophomores, juniors, and seniors arrive on campus, Freshman Orientation welcomes the new first-years to Swarthmore College. The theme of this year’s orientation was “Home on the [...]
September 2, 2004
The Phoenix