Sports - Page 207

Tokamaks, spheromaks and stellarators- oh my!

Yesterday evening, Al Bloom welcomed scientists from the US and Japan to a symposium on fusion energy research. After a brief introduction to atomic physics by Swarthmore Professor Michael Brown, [...]
November 3, 2006

What’s up with the new mascot?

Over the summer, the college announced that the phoenix had been selected as the college's new mascot after having received the most votes from both the campus and the alumni [...]
October 31, 2006

Alum Brad Gentry speaks on cap and trade

Brad Gentry, Swarthmore alum, presented a lecture Thursday evening entitled "Profiting from Pollution: Markets for Environmental Services." The lecture was well attended, its numbers swelled by Economics 1 students. While [...]
October 27, 2006
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The Phoenix