Ethan Bogdan '13, currently on a gap year, argues that the college should reconsider its decision to cull the deer in the Crum, and suggests a non-lethal option.
Seth gets a little bit homesick for Swarthmore and complains about the lack of sunlight up at 56 degrees north latitude, but decides in the end that studying abroad is worthwhile as a change of pace.
What is the meaning of cynicism? In the case of artists, either a totalizing form of ineffable despair or a fully ironic attitude devoid of any meaning or true regard; in the case of philosophers and scholars, a paralyzing skepticism that allows
Williams-Mystic's third and final field seminar took us to the Gulf Coast of Louisiana to experience the third major body of water that borders our fair continent. The Arctic Ocean is, sadly, not a part of our curriculum (not that I wouldn’t
Now that we're a full week away from the stress of potentially seeing her in the White House, I feel safe to discuss "Who's Nailin' Paylin," and to share some superior porn recommendations.
The "Swarthmore Financial Justice" petition calling upon the college to open an honest and accessible dialogue about its financial aid policies is a thoughtful document that all members of the Swarthmore community should support. It is a document that exemplifies Swarthmore's Quaker
It is election night, and in my dorm and all over campus clusters of students large and small, are glued to anything which can broadcast election results. They anxiously scan multiple news sites while simultaneously watching network television’s constant updates...
He questions the importance of voter registration while studying abroad, remembers the times when a matinee cost $6, and recounts a violent football game between politicians and journalists: Seth Green keeps Swarthmore updated about his study abroad in Scotland.