Highlights - Page 14

Athletics Explores Developing Women’s Golf Program

Swarthmore’s men’s golf team is nearly as old as the college itself, dating back to the college’s founding in 1864. With the exception of golf, very few women have played on men’s teams throughout the history of Swarthmore athletics. This year, however,
December 1, 2022

(Finals) Season’s Greetings

Thanksgiving break is lovely, always has been, and always will be. Unfortunately, it also happens to be the harbinger of the most stressful time of the year for many students: finals. For first-year students, this will be their first college finals period;
December 1, 2022

Part 3 of 3: Rachel Takes a Risk*

Rachel had never thought that life could be so much better so soon. She was hanging out with Rose in Classroom 432 at 11 p.m., trying her best to do her musical theater history readings while Rose was visibly struggling to record
November 17, 2022

The Mathematics of Ultimate Frisbee

Ultimate frisbee is a sport of choices. Who do you pass the disc to? Who do you defend? What is the optimal way to score — and win? While making a choice in ultimate frisbee might seem entirely subjective, a number of
November 10, 2022
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The Phoenix