Features - Page 4

Childhood, Cannabis, and Cycles: Chitchatting with James Padilioni

Professor James Padilioni is a visiting assistant professor in the religion and environmental studies departments. His interests lie in African Diasporic ritual, healing justice, and herbalism — topics that explore the overlap of religion and environmental studies. Professor Padilioni has taught classes
October 5, 2023

A Conversation with Professor Craig Williamson

Craig Williamson is The Alfred H. and Peggi Bloom professor of English Literature. His area of study and teaching is concentrated in medieval literature, creative writing, and Old English: some select courses he teaches are ENGL 046. Tolkien and Pullman and Their
April 13, 2023

Reflecting On One Year Into the Pandemic: Staff Profiles

These staff profiles of community members who worked through the spring and summer of 2020 during the onset of the pandemic were done as interviews by students in Professor Diane Anderson’s course, Literacies & Social Identities, which explores various facets and relationships
March 13, 2021
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