Campus Journal - Page 108

Sweet eatables make the holidays go ’round

Alright, so Valentine’s Day isn’t exactly a holiday. But it sure as well might be one, with all the attention it gets from the public and the media. Stores will start advertising Valentine’s Day way before the date is within sight. Chocolates
November 17, 2011

Adding ‘Twilight’ to a syllabus meets challenges

Team Edward and Team Jacob seem to be rallying support in the college classroom. From Rutgers College’s “Vampires: From Sin and Exile to Sex and Salvation” to Harvard’s “The Vampire in Literature and Film,” university classrooms are increasingly turning their attention to
November 17, 2011

Oscar’s crying game: the use & abuse of melancholy

Well, once again it’s the bleakest time of the year — mid-November, and Oscar season. Cold, dreary capitalism settles in as marketers and distributors ride a seemingly endless wave of red carpets and critics’ awards ceremonies that will carry them to the
November 17, 2011

Dorm Dive: The Man Cave

Friends Karan Padda ’14 and Tyler Becker ’14 as well as swim teammates John Flaherty ’14 and Stan Le ’14 occupy this spacious Palmer quad. Dubbed “The Man Cave,” the quad comprises a combined double and common space, which has a smaller double extending off of
November 17, 2011

On Mitchell and Ivanek: when good actors go bad

As any avid television fan knows, one of the most disheartening events in one’s life is realizing that a personally beloved actor has been cast in a show that’s simply not good. Over the years, I’ve watched this phenomenon happen several times.
November 10, 2011

Yellow Stocking Players to perform Night of Scenes

If you’ve seen even one play, whether a professional production or the product of a high school’s drama class, you have likely seen a performance of Shakespeare. One of the most performed of all English playwrights, Shakespeare dominates the curriculum of English
November 10, 2011

Donald Glover as Childish Gambino

Hip-hop music developed through street culture in New York in the late 1960’s emerging from a rhythm once highly electronic in nature. Vocal hip-hop artists accompany rhythm with an commentary on social issues in rap. What makes a dense powerful rap is
November 10, 2011
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The Phoenix