Artist of the Week Hillary Kim ’25 on Art for Its Own Sake

Hillary Kim ’25 is an applied math major. Yet, art permeates her life at Swarthmore. After attending an arts-oriented high school in California, art became Kim’s norm, a grounding and standard part of both her experience and expression.  “When I got here

An Analysis of “La La Land’s” Ending

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers regarding the film “La La Land.” Ever since I began writing the Artist of the Week, I’ve found myself asking my friends for a script of questions whenever we sit down for dinner. ‘What’s your favorite

Upcoming Arts Events

Every week, students’ inboxes are filled with invitations to activities, events, and opportunities. Sometimes, though, it can be hard to sort through and decide which ones to participate in. Here’s a briefing on some current and upcoming arts-related events taking place around

Drexel at Olde Club

Last week, Drexel bands Hotel Breakfast, Simply Sedated, Slow Burning Daydream, and The Jette Planes performed at Olde Club. Photos shot on a Nikon d7000.

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