Environment and Religion in First Reformed

In Paul Schrader’s 2018 First Reformed, violence coexists with despair, punishment, and guilt. However, even in the film’s most brutal violence, hope is nearby. Toller (Ethan Hawke), intending to bomb churchgoers with a suicide vest on the 250th anniversary of the First

The American Imperio

The idea of an “imperio” has laid the groundwork for our modern understanding of an empire. The notion of an imperio dates back to the Roman Republic, in which imperio was used to describe the republic’s growing influence in the Mediterranean basin.

Monet: Cataracts and Anger Create a Post-Impressionist

Nymphéas, Japanese Bridge, currently displayed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, was painted by French impressionist painter Claude Monet (1840-1926) circa 1918-26 in Giverny, France. This is one of his final works in his famous Nymphéas (Water Lilies) series and of his

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