Arts - Page 20

Leaving it All to Nostalgia: iCarly Reboot Not a Total Flop

Three things I never thought I would live to see on “iCarly,” the beloved Nickelodeon sitcom that originally aired from 2007–2012: a lesbian kiss, an openly pansexual main character who pursues love interests of all genders, and a plotline about sex work.
October 28, 2021

Community Arts in Action

Swarthmore’s Arts in Action symposium was years in the making and ultimately realized in a Monday morning webinar moderated and largely organized by Lang Center Associate Director Katie Price. The day-long online lecture series with funding from The Cooper Foundation focused, in
October 28, 2021

Ahoy to the Really Cool Space Pirates Poster

Avast ye who have not watched this epic, space-faring tale yet, this section is for ye landlubbers, I mean, hearties!  Hardy-har-har to all eyes who cast their gaze upon this article! Fresh out of pirate puns after that last sentence, I’d like
October 28, 2021

Locke and Key Falls Short of Its Goal

Hello again friends and welcome back! This week, I’m reviewing “Locke and Key,” a supernatural horror series streaming on Netflix. Season one of “Locke and Key” was released on Feb. 7, 2021, and season 2 will come out Saturday, Oct. 22. “Locke
October 21, 2021

Jewel Tones in July: Life in a Vital Marsh

Eagle Marsh, a 831-acre wetland nature preserve in my hometown of Fort Wayne, Indiana, is one of the best places on the planet. It’s not up for discussion — it’s just a fact. The Little River Wetlands Project acquired the land in
October 21, 2021
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The Phoenix