Around Campus - Page 26

DJ duo White Panda to perform at LSE

This spring, the college will host its first ever Swatapalooza: a weekend of festivities beginning with the Large Scale Event (LSE) on the night of Friday, May 2 and ending with Worthstock on Sunday, May 4. The LSE, which will take place
March 27, 2014

Two college offices to merge

The Residential Life and Student Activities Offices will be merged in the coming school year to create an Office of Student Engagement. Rachel Head, currently the assistant dean of residential life, will preside over the joined functions as assistant dean and director
March 27, 2014

StuCo and WSRN to share office

After conversations with the managers of WSRN, Campus Council has obtained the back room of the WSRN station on the fourth floor of Parrish to use as an office space. Use of the large WSRN room will alternate between the two groups.
March 27, 2014

Phi Psi house, student rooms raided by Public Safety

Public Safety officers and two deans raided two student rooms and the Phi Psi fraternity house after receiving a “credible report of questionable activity,” Director of Public Safety Michael Hill and Associate Director for Investigations Beth Pitts told the Phoenix in an
March 6, 2014

SLAP, HR collaborate on childcare survey

Just under a year after the strife-filled semester that President Rebecca Chopp termed the  “spring of our discontent,” a student group is working in conjunction with administrators to try and show that both parties are capable of working together harmoniously. Members of
March 6, 2014

ASAP changes name to reflect new campus role

ASAP has changed its name from Acquaintance Sexual Assault Prevention to Abuse & Sexual Assault Prevention to reflect ASAP’s new role as an umbrella group for all of the sexual assault prevention initiatives on campus. Up until this year, ASAP existed in
March 6, 2014
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