Zachary Robinson

Zack Robinson '24 is a sophomore from Portland, Oregon, studying computer science and English literature. He enjoys tinkering with technology, epeé fencing, and diving into random Wikipedia rabbit holes.

How To Stop A Housing Crisis

We have a whole lot of extremely complicated problems on our hands these days. The COVID-19 pandemic, for example, is a hellish enigma of epidemiology, pharmacology, virology, social psychology, medical ethics, regular ethics, macroeconomics, microeconomics, supply-chain logistics, and more — and that’s
February 3, 2022

How To Talk to Strangers Where No One Can See You

Today, I’m writing about something that was first used by the Ancient Mesopotamians. It used to be illegal to export under weapons trafficking treaties, and it is frequently bemoaned by law enforcement. It’s also a critical component of almost every electronic device,
November 18, 2021

What’s Our COVID Plan?

Two weeks ago, a large chunk of the Swarthmore student body fanned out across the country for Fall Break. We crammed into planes, trains, and buses; we hugged people we hadn’t seen for months; some of us let off steam at crowded
October 28, 2021

What Happened To Nuclear Power?

Modern society runs on electricity. It lights our cities, runs our factories, and powers the computer that I’m typing this on right now. And it will only become more necessary as we electrify various parts of society that still use oil and
May 7, 2021

A Note on Last Week’s Article

Last week I wrote an Opinions piece about vaccine hesitancy and the need for Swarthmore to require vaccinations for all its students. This was a short piece, written more or less off-the-cuff after seeing a news article about vaccine exemptions. Unfortunately, this
April 23, 2021

Vaccinate Every Swattie. No Exceptions.

Editor’s Note: The Phoenix Editorial Board and the author of the piece have issued apologies regarding the editorial process of this article. Since the original publication of the piece, mentions of Orthodox Jews in this article have been modified to ultra-Orthodox Jews
April 16, 2021

The Linguistics of Texting: Because Internet

Why do grandparents always text … kind of like this … with the dots … and use them to separate phrases? Why does everyone feel the need to type “lol” even when they’re not laughing? And why does a period at the
April 9, 2021

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