Zaid Ali

Student Artists Perform at War3House 3

Student artists gathered last Saturday, April 30, in the “War3House 3,” a music venue located in the Ville, to perform for the Swarthmore community. Although not sponsored by the college, the concert was organized by the Orpheus Review club, a student-run online
April 28, 2022

Muslim Students Association Prepares for Ramadan

The Muslim Students Association (MSA) is preparing for Ramadan, the Muslim Holy month that requires fasting from food and drink from dawn to sunset, carrying deep spiritual signifigance for Muslims. This year, Ramadan will last from the evening of April 1 to
March 31, 2022

NinjaGrams Return: An Old Tradition Coming Back to Life

On Friday, Feb. 18, students were greeted in their classes and in Sharples by dueling ninjas, handmade cards, and homemade truffle treats on what some call “Ninja Day,” or the day that ninjas and ninja masters deliver NinjaGrams. NinjaGrams returned to Swarthmore
February 24, 2022

College Boosts 85 At First of Three Booster Clinics

Swarthmore held a COVID-19 booster clinic for students, faculty, and staff on Jan. 21 and plans to host three more in February, March, and April, according to Student Health Services Director Casey Anderson. The college’s push for the Swarthmore community to receive
February 3, 2022

Pterodactyl Hunt Returns After Year-Long Break

The days leading up to the Pterodactyl Hunt were uncertain. Would the year of isolated learning leave attendance at an all time low? Would the busy Garnet Weekend schedule detract from this Swarthmore tradition? Despite the fears, at 7 p.m. on Saturday,
October 28, 2021

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