Tyler Becker

American interest unapparent in Syrian war

Ever since Woodrow Wilson’s presidency in the early 20th century, America’s foreign policy has been framed by universal moral maxims. From Wilson to Reagan, FDR to George W. Bush, a uniquely American approach to foreign policy has been pursued in sharp contrast
September 12, 2013

Reflecting on Terrorism

“What difference does it make why they did it?” Chris Matthews said on his eponymously named MSNBC show Monday night. Matthews was referring, of course, to Boston Marathon bombers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Attempting to avoid injecting religion into the discussion, Matthews
April 25, 2013

Reflections on a Turbulent Semester in Campus Politics

Judging by conversations online and on campus, Swarthmore’s community appears the most divided I’ve witnessed since I arrived on campus three years ago. One supposed controversy after another has infected campus dialogue with anger and vitriol. Our community has descended into a
April 11, 2013

Zoellick: A Serious Choice

Over the last week, the College’s decision to invite former World Bank President Robert Zoellick ’75 to deliver a graduation speech and receive an honorary degree has become the latest campus controversy this semester. Although selected by a predominantly liberal faculty, some
March 28, 2013

Woodward’s Frustrations

Fighting Bob Woodward is an undertaking no administration has attempted. Few journalists garner the admiration and respect Bob Woodward enjoys from the New York-Washington media axis. Journalism graduate students sit in class salivating over Woodward’s work, hoping one day to stumble upon
March 7, 2013

Greek Life Referendum a Dangerous Precedent

Over the last week, debates over Greek life have revealed the intense divide between those for and against the institution. The Phoenix’s staff editorial last week calling for a referendum to ban all Greek life opened the floodgates. Within a day after
February 21, 2013

Reflections on “Senseless Violence”

Writing for The Corner on National Review Online last week, NRO media editor Eliana Johnson criticized President Obama for calling the Holocaust “senseless violence” in a statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day. She wrote that “the idea that all violence is ‘senseless’
February 7, 2013

Gun Control Conversation Misses The Point

In the weeks since the devastating Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings last month, debate over gun rights has taken center stage in American political discourse. It has proven difficult to turn on the news without hearing about Vice President Biden’s commission on
January 24, 2013

The Next Four Years

Over the last few weeks, pundits and politicians have taken to the airwaves to offer hundreds of explanations for the Republican losses on November 6th. Some insist it was the Hispanic vote, others say it was the Republican turnout operation, the messaging,
November 29, 2012

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