Tyler Becker

The conservative makes a good point

Nearly four years ago, I attended a Phoenix interest meeting after the first day of classes and found out the paper was looking for columnists. I volunteered to write a column that week, hoping to get my foot in the door. Ever
May 1, 2014

Are commencement addresses where ‘free speech’ ends?

Another year, another college commencement controversy. This time, however, it’s not at Swarthmore. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a women’s rights advocate and critic of Islam’s treatment of women, was disinvited from speaking and receiving an honorary degree at Brandeis’ commencement this spring. You
April 17, 2014

Flight hacking and security concerns

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370’s mysterious disappearance should frighten anyone who travels. Nearly two weeks after the plane took off from Kuala Lumpur, neither the plane nor its 239 passengers have been found. Numerous observers have questioned how in the modern age a
March 20, 2014

The final word on Robert George

I, like many other students on campus, was deeply disturbed by some of the reactions to Robert George ’77 and Cornell West’s February 10 visit to the College. Last week’s Phoenix included only one view expressing support for George’s visit. Some students
February 27, 2014

Giving up on hard news and embracing Jon Stewart

Our generation has discarded the traditional evening news for a variety of nontraditional news sources. News websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other digital sources are now the primary news source for 71% of Americans aged 18-29 according to the Pew Research Center.
February 13, 2014

The government’s ambiguity on unpaid internship

Unpaid internships — we’ve all had them, or at least heard about them. A staple of the college experience, most students spend one, two, sometimes three summers getting coffee, answering phones, making copies, putting together binders. Recent college graduates looking for careers
December 5, 2013

Government fails to earn public trust

“Congressional approval hits all-time low.” “Seventy percent of Americans view the country as on the wrong track.” “Trust in government at historic lows.” Headlines like these lead newspapers, appear on the 24 hour sensationalist cable news channels and dominate the political discourse.
November 14, 2013

DOJ lawsuit against students’ interests

Education reform has taken the country by storm, sometimes to the chagrin of the old entrenched educational establishment. Louisiana has been ground zero for the education reform movement. After Hurricane Katrina, millions of dollars in private funding plus numerous human resources descended
October 31, 2013

Shutdown demonstrates how not to negotiate

Nearly two years ago, I wrote on these same pages how the deficit reduction “supercommittee” that was supposed to reign in the nation’s debt was “predictably unsuccessful.” Perhaps the same goes for the current situation in Washington. Over these past two years,
October 10, 2013

A failure of e-communication

Nobody at Swarthmore replies to email. Everyone at the College is guilty, including me. Sure, there are some administrators, faculty members, staff, and students who never forget to reply to any email directed at them, but they are the exception rather than
September 26, 2013
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