Tai Thongthai

How the carbon charge works

In September of 2016, the Carbon Charge Committee was established to manage the Carbon Charge Program. To understand the program and its implications, we ask: what is Swarthmore’s Carbon Charge Program? And what is its significance of the program outside Swarthmore? According
December 7, 2017

Pub Safe hires students to enforce parking violations

On the eve of this academic year, Public Safety implemented a pilot program that allows students to participate in parking enforcement. Public Safety is now hiring students to patrol and give out parking tickets to parking policy violators. According to the Swarthmore
November 2, 2017

Students showcase summer research

This past week the Swarthmore national scientific research organization, Sigma Xi, showcased student summer research in the Science Center Commons Lounge. Each student researcher had a chance to exhibit their research to interested passersby. For many of the student researchers, getting involved
September 28, 2017

College reaffirms network security

On July 30, a fake email was sent out to the Swarthmore student population in the name of the registrar, Martin Warner. The identity of the perpetrator are being kept confidential by the Swarthmore College Computer Society (SCCS), but such an incident
September 21, 2017

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