Sydney Covitz

Why Swat?

The American news cycle is, frankly, boring me. There is nothing interesting to editorialize, in part because the presidential election has not yet transfigured into a meme. Facebook, Amazon, and Google are still trying to ruin the world one ad campaign at
March 21, 2019

Omar’s Critics Do More Harm Than Good

Congressional Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is currently facing large pushback for her recent Twitter posts, which many claim to be antisemitic. While I acknowledge there is a case to be made for linking her comments to certain classic, antisemitic tropes, I believe
February 14, 2019

On the Palestinian Question

The question with which Israel consistently grapples is: what should we do with the land between the river and the sea? I claim the state’s actions with regards to this question are perpetuating the principles of apartheid. Karl Marx’s piece “On the
December 6, 2018

The Necessity for an Infusion of Environmental Justice

Earlier this month, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a report warning the world that if we don’t act radically, our planet will, in the very near future, become unlivable. The report states that if we do not reduce greenhouse
October 25, 2018

Swarthmore Should Pay Students More

On Aug. 9th, Swarthmore College Dean of Admissions Jim Bock, sent out an email to the student body informing us that they are no longer paying students to host prospective and accepted applicants. In the email, he detailed that instead of getting
September 13, 2018

The problems with human rights journalism

Human rights journalism is a field that has encountered and continues to confront numerous obstacles and setbacks. Firstly, journalists do not know how or where to properly cover internationally-occurring human rights abuses. As I have learned in professor Patnaik’s “Human Rights and
April 26, 2018

Why does my math class have so few girls?

Why does my math class have so few girls? Why did the engineering department here have only one female professor last year? These are the types of questions many girls in S.T.E.M. at Swat tend to ask ourselves. Issues of underrepresentation of
April 12, 2018

Defining who gets to talk

It is impossible to place monetary value on the ability to talk. Many of us at Swat have experienced the feeling of being silenced, like your voice doesn’t matter and cannot be heard, but few of us can fully comprehend the physical
March 29, 2018

How inclusion drives innovation

If Swarthmore’s computer science core curriculum has taught me anything — other than some Python, C, and C++ —it is that collaborating with people who think differently from you is one of the most powerful tools in tech. One of my favorite
March 8, 2018
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