Sofia Frumkin

Students Look Towards the Summer for Research Opportunities

As COVID-19 cases continue to drop and vaccination rates continue to rise across the country, many Swarthmore students look forward to what experiences the summer will bring. For some students, their plans this summer revolve around on- and off- campus research through
May 8, 2021

SGO Prepares for Another Virtual Semester

On February 9, SGO elected four new members for the 2021 Spring semester. The new SGO members include Sara Asgari ’23 and Huiying Xiao ’23, who will serve as senators for the class of 2023, as well as Fiona Stewart ’24 for
February 26, 2021

First Years Create Community in Isolating Times

As the creator of the @swat2024 Instagram page, Amanda Roessler ’24 aimed to connect incoming first year students with each other. She hoped to use the page to get to know as many students as possible before arriving on campus. “Due to
September 17, 2020

Garnet Pledge Q&A

On August 3, the College rolled out community health guidelines for students living on-campus during the fall semester. The new guidelines were devised by the Student Expectations Subcommittee which is composed of students, faculty, and staff. The aim of the new guidelines
August 19, 2020

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