When I boarded my plane out of Austria, the newspapers were breathlessly reporting on the just-broken story of Elisabeth Fritzl, an Austrian woman recently freed from the windowless basement where [...]
This is Stephanie Appiah's last column from Buenos Aires After two bouts of gastroenteritis -- yes, I got it again last week, and was sick for days -- I give [...]
I was originally going to title this week's column “In Defense of Straight Men” and write about the ways in which misogyny, homophobia, and sex negativity damage the straight men [...]
Yesterday, in Buenos Aires, thick dark clouds were suffocating the city. These clouds were not the heralds of a thunderstorm; rather, they are the marks of fires burning in the [...]
As the weather (and tourist season) here in Vienna heat up, I myself have been doing more sightseeing, combing the first district and making the occasional venture into the suburbs. [...]
Since my time in Buenos Aires, I completely forgot about the Olympic games. Until I turned on the T.V and watched protesters gather in France to yell FREE TIBET. I [...]
It's a difficult situation... The political situation is currently tense. The president of Argentina, Cristina Kirschner, raised the tax on exports, which directly affects the profits of farmers along the [...]
In every tourist shop in Vienna, you can buy these shirts that say "No Kangaroos in Austria." The first several times I saw these, they made no sense to me. [...]
The Daily Gazette received the following message in response to my last column: As a Swarthmore student's parent, I think that your sophomoric column today about masturbating that was obviously [...]
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