Sahiba Gill

An Admission to Women

Our school clearly discriminates against one major demography in admission to Swarthmore. "Which demography?" you cry out. "Which minority has received the harsh penalty of a world still rife with bigotry and prejudice, the insidious influence of which pervades even the safe
February 16, 2009

Critical Theory Catastrophes & Luv From Afar

Dear Duke of Swarthmore: So today in my Analysis of Queer Pacific Islander Literature of the 19th Century seminar, someone projected their conception of the self onto my self, but to me their own self signifies the other, so like, if the
February 15, 2009

Hiding in Sharples and Seeking in Paces

Looking for a shot at love in Paces (or perhaps a double shot - thanks Ikki twins)? Trying desperately to use all your meals while simultaneously avoiding someone in Sharples? Click here and make all your dreams come true!
February 4, 2009

A Call to Reasoned Purpose

This semester's column, rather than following in the same vein as last semester, will instead explore specific issues of our collegiate environment that are of interest to me, and hopefully, to at least some of my readers. While I hope to provide
February 2, 2009

Condom Basics with the SHCs

So you're probably thinking: another sex column on the Daily Gazette... really? Well, yes, really and you better be excited--the Sexual Health Counselors will be answering common sexual health questions, and we'll start it off by talking about condoms.
January 29, 2009

G Marks the Spot

Dr. Strokes comes back for one last (?) column, this one brought to you by the letter G and the year 1982.
January 19, 2009

The Charles W. Morgan

You may not have ever heard of the Charles W. Morgan. I know I hadn’t before I arrived here in Mystic. But it turns out that the Charles W. Morgan is, as they say, “kind of a big deal.”
December 17, 2008
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