Sahiba Gill

Nixon at the Movies

The Vietnam War gave us the M-16 rifle and new uses for Agent Orange. It also allowed the last president of the US to turn executive privilege into a malign political energy that powered Hollywood’s Silver Age in the early ‘70s. So
October 21, 2009

Settling In, Coming Out

Your October Break was the first week of classes at the Free University of Berlin for 31,000 students, 415 professors, and one Lauren Stokes. It was also my first week selling tickets at the Gay Museum of Berlin.
October 19, 2009

The Football Controversy Through The Ages

In 1982, sports headlines across the nation read: "Football Surge Hurting Swarthmore's Image," "College Shuns Winning," and "Winning Tarnishes Academic Reputation." With an unprecedented eight-game winning streak, the media ran with a narrative that Swarthmore was ashamed of its successful football team.
October 7, 2009

Taking Swarthmore Journalism to Task

We have begun to take our journalism for granted. Few students derive much pleasure from reading the majority of the journalism produced on this campus, and even fewer take an active part in its production. In this state of disrepair, journalism stagnates.
October 5, 2009

About A Band: Joe Pernice’s “Meat Is Murder”

Of all the loves you can have, the strangest is probably the love of an obsessive fan for his favorite band. No other love slides so easily into arcane geekery (debating Ian Curtis’ favorite breakfast cereal) or pretension. We’re talking about love;
September 29, 2009

Safety First

The good old days of Swatties feeling secure in their little bubble are gone, my friends. Gone! So we can't keep acting in the same old friendly way. Things have to change around here. Before something really bad happens.
September 24, 2009

Afghanistan is Vietnam

American troops patrol in a far-off land. The crafters of American foreign policy in Washington have laid down an ultimatum. Though few Americans have any interest in this place, it will not be allowed to fall to the opposition, at any cost.
September 23, 2009
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