Reuben Gelley-Newman

Reuben Gelley Newman '21 is a prospective Honors English major and is also involved in music on campus.

IC celebrates 25th anniversary, hires new LGBTQ+ fellow

With a new LGBTQ+ fellow, heritage celebrations such as Pride Month and Latinx Heritage Month, and the approach of its 25th anniversary, the college’s Intercultural Center has a busy year ahead. For its anniversary, the IC has a program for each month.
October 5, 2017

Mountain Justice Joins National Group Sunrise, Broadens Goals

After a busy past year, Mountain Justice is rebranding. They’ve joined Sunrise, a national “movement to stop climate change and create millions of jobs in the process,” according to their website. “Last year I remember hearing about Mountain Justice just about every
September 21, 2017

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