Nick Gettino

Swarthmore’s Website to be Redesigned

The Communications and ITS Departments plan to update the Swarthmore website’s homepage by early next year. The website hasn’t been redesigned in about six years and according to Nancy Nicely, Director of Communications, “websites don’t have a long shelf life.”
February 18, 2011

Rob LaMoy, Middlebury Exchange Student and Quidditch Pioneer

Rob LaMoy, a junior at Middlebury College, is spending a semester here at Swarthmore. LaMoy plays Quidditch at Middlebury, the birthplace and epicenter of collegiate Quidditch, and is hoping to start a team at Swarthmore. The Gazette sat down with him before
February 17, 2011

Camera found in Cornell Library Bathroom

Last Friday, Public Safety sent out a campus wide email regarding an actively recording camera found in 1st floor bathroom Cornell Science Library. The camera was found at approximately noon and the student who discovered it immediately removed it and took it
February 15, 2011

Swat Poetry Jam Features Def Jam Poet Shihan

Today in LPAC, the student spoken word group OASIS will hold their first large-scale poetry exhibition, the Swat Poetry Jam. The event will showcase the literary works of some of Swarthmore's finest spoken word poets and will also host All-Time Def Jam
February 10, 2011

Chemistry Professor Thomas Stephenson Appointed New Provost

Connie Hungerford, who has been Swarthmore's chief academic officer since 2001, is ending her term and will return to teaching art history. A search committee operating through the fall and the start of this semester has selected Thomas Stephenson from the Chemistry
February 7, 2011
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