Nehmat Kaur

The challenges of being out in the ‘real world’

As everyone piles back into Swat after Fall Break, one of the most common conversation topics, apart from how nobody got any work done, is how offensive people in the ‘real world’ can be. Stepping out of the Swat Bubble can be
October 24, 2013

Unprepared, unaided and alone

As we approach the end of the fourth week of classes, many of us are probably starting to feel the pressure that we associate with Swat academics. This escalation of academic stress can be especially hard to deal with as a freshman,
September 26, 2013

Pope Francis works toward social good

The Catholic Church itself may not be the most popular institution in the world, but Pope Francis seems intent on cultivating some good cheer for the Vatican. The world has already talked about his relative frugality, his acceptance of gays, and his
September 12, 2013

Dear Nehmat: Advice to International Students

Dear international freshmen, I know that you have been assaulted with information and advice in the last week or so, and your brains are not processing much anymore. So while you wrap your head around the new-ness of it all, let me
September 5, 2013

Thatcher’s Legacy

In the midst of all the Facebook statuses about Swarthmore’s own controversies, opinions on Margaret Thatcher’s role as a politician and a woman made a brief appearance on my news feed as word of her passing spread. The Iron Lady was a
April 11, 2013

Indian Women Still Waiting

You know a country has a problem when someone takes the time to name a culture-specific problem in a foreign language. The gathering of men in public places to verbally and sometimes, physically harass women is called “eve-teasing” in India; it’s as
March 28, 2013

College Ranks First In World For GMAT Scores

Last week, BusinessWeek published an article detailing its research on business school admissions and identified applicants from Swarthmore College as having the highest average score on the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT), a standardized test mostly used for applying to business schools.
March 7, 2013
Students admire the food selection, including Treacle Tarts displayed in the shape of the Deathly Hallows

SMART Holds Consent Workshops

Since the issuance of Title IX guidelines in 2011, Swarthmore has worked to revise and improve its sexual misconduct policy and provide better information and access to resources for issues regarding sexual assault and misconduct. As a part of this revision in
February 28, 2013

Missed Connections Attempts to Help Awkward Students

If the success of “Swarthmore Compliments” and “Like a Little” are anything to go by, Swatties love interacting with each other through anonymous virtual media. While the former allows students to anonymously post praise for their friends on a Facebook group, the
February 7, 2013
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