Neena Cherayil

Ad Hoc Group Hosts “Let’s Talk” Forum on the Budget

In an effort to improve transparency and continue communication about the proposed budget cuts, the Ad Hoc Financial Planning Group hosted the second of two open "Let's Talk" fora this past Tuesday. Held during business hours to allow faculty and staff as
December 1, 2009

Recalibrating the Budget, A Fireside Chat

Last night, Student Council hosted a Fireside Chat on the school budget, inviting Acting Dean of Students Garikai Campbell and President Rebecca Chopp to speak on, and field questions about, the current and future fiscal state of the College. The chat was
October 1, 2009

College Receives 16K Grant for Solar-Powered Composters

This past May, the College was jointly awarded a $16,000 Pennsylvania state grant for the manufacture and use of two solar-powered rotary composters. The composters are giant stainless steel barrels on wheels that completely contain food scraps and other waste as they
September 21, 2009

Drug & Alcohol Resource Team Navigates First Semester

The new Drug and Alcohol Resource Team (DART), colloquially conceivable as "SHCs for drugs and alcohol”, was founded late last spring after students were inspired by speaker Jason Kilmer’s scientific-yet-entertaining presentation on alcohol and behavior. The group heavily advocates safe, responsible, and
September 15, 2009

Student Liasons for Dean’s Search Host Fireside Chat

On Monday night, The Dean's Search Committee’s Student Liaisons hosted a fireside chat to discuss the process of selecting the next Dean of Student Life. The position will fill Dean Jim Larimore’s vacancy and replace Acting Dean Garikai Cambell as the leader
September 14, 2009

Armed Intruder Discovered in Wharton

On Monday, May 4th, around 7 PM, Swarthmore Police and College Public Safety were summoned to the Wharton residence hall after reports of an armed intruder in the dorm. According to a Public Safety Bulletin issued to students last night, a female
May 5, 2009

NY Times Graphics Editor Talks on Data Visualization

This week, the Math/Stat Department brought New York Times Graphics Editor Amanda Cox for the penultimate lecture in its colloquia series. The talk, entitled "Data Visualization (and a Little Bit of Math) at the New York Times", gave a brief overview the
April 7, 2009

First Women in Sport Symposium Hosted for Swat Athletes

The first ever Women in Sport Symposium took place this past weekend in the Scheurer Room. The 3-hour-long event featured a panel of women working in sports, dinner plus a screening of the HBO special Dare to Compete, and a keynote address
April 7, 2009
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