Nathanael D. Brown

This Week in Swarthmore History

1995 The popularity of a website by Justin Paulson ’96 caused 33,807 users in Mexico to crash Swarthmore’s UNIX computer system. The Swarthmore College Computer Society (SCCS) maintained a computer system that allowed staff and students to post things on the internet.
February 27, 2025

Weekly Column: Swat Says

This or That from the Swarthmore community: What is your favorite dorm that you’ve lived in? Adrian Ferguson ’26: Woolman because it’s mostly on-campus, but the rooms are really big, and it’s beautiful, and you’ve got AC. Louis Luo ’27: Parrish fourth,
February 27, 2025

Weekly Column: Swat Says

This or That from the Swarthmore community: What did you do for Valentine’s Day? Joshua Ovadia ’25: I competed at a mock trial tournament. As part of this mock trial tournament, I went with a team to American University in Washington, DC.
February 20, 2025

Weekly Column: Swat Says

How do you feel about the results of the Super Bowl? Wyatt Brannon ’26: Go Birds! Teddy King-Pollet ’28: I feel happy, it was a really fun time. I haven’t followed football so much in my life, but I had a really
February 13, 2025

Language Learning at Swarthmore

When I tell people that my major is German studies, I often get the follow-up question, “Are you German?” No, I am not German. I took Spanish and German in high school, and I liked German enough that I decided to continue
February 13, 2025

Weekly Column: Swat Says

We, the Phoenix Opinions section, are proud to debut Swat Says. In this weekly column, we will talk with students around campus who might otherwise not want to write full opinion articles and record highlights from their responses here. For our first
February 6, 2025

TAP Minus

Upon attempting to order my textbooks this semester, I was shocked to find that I had $289.72 less in my Textbook Affordability Program (TAP) account than I thought. “Where did the funds go?” I asked myself. Upon investigation, I found they had
February 6, 2025

Through the Woods

♫Over the Crum and through the woods/to Swarthmore College we go♫ Nixon’s Vice President, Spiro Agnew, once allegedly called Swarthmore the “Kremlin on the Crum.” Swarthmore’s Alma Mater says “Ev’ry ripple of Crum’s water/Is a greeting clear.” The Crum Woods are a
November 21, 2024

The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy

26-year-old American Quincy Claude Ayres stepped off the boat on December 5, 1917, onto the soil of war-torn France. Before him, hundreds of Americans had volunteered as ambulance drivers and doctors or joined the Canadian military to fight before the United States
November 14, 2024
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