Mireille Guy

The Year in Review: Accounts of Activism

Due to the amount of work that goes into course work at Swarthmore, people may wonder how much time students can devote to extracurricular activities. But the time and effort that students put into campus activism exemplifies where many of their passions
May 2, 2013

The History of Genderfuck

Genderfuck is not only the most attended party on campus, it’s also the most notorious. Students anxiously wait for this one, usually cold, weekend to run down to Sharples in their silliest, most gender-bending outfits. A Swarthmore tradition many students look forward
April 25, 2013

CUPSI Showcase

Last year, Swarthmore students travelled to Los Angeles to participate for the first time in the College Union Poetry Slam Invitational. This year Swarthmore’s CUPSI team will compete again, this time at Barnard College in New York. This year’s team consists of
April 4, 2013

Professors’ Works, Beyond the Classroom

Starting March 5th and running through April 10th, the Department of Art Faculty and Staff exhibition will be on display at The List Gallery in LPAC.  During the gallery opening on tuesday, most of the artists featured were present at the opening
March 7, 2013

Swat Style Snapshot: Satyajit Rao

Satyajit Rao Year: 2015 Hometown: New York, New York For Satyajit “Saty” Rao, it’s all about thoughtfully pairing simple staples with a few special pieces. This is evident in his current outfit, where each part seems to compliment the others, and the
February 28, 2013

Swatties Screw their Roommates

Components required for a successful Screw: a costume (preferably embarrassing), dinner on a paper plate, a sense of humor, and hopefully a reliable roommate. Screw Your Roommate is one of those Swat marvels that could only happen here, and it remains one
February 21, 2013

On Pointe: Dancing Through Swarthmore

Like most things at Swarthmore, the dance program runs a lot deeper than it may appear at first glance. Although a small department, majoring in dance at Swat often means exploring multiple fields catering to their unique areas of interest. What makes
February 7, 2013

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